Joe Courtney

Joe Courtney

Congressman Joe Courtney has represented the Second District of Connecticut since 2006, home to the Electric Boat shipyard in Groton and Submarine Base New London. He serves on the House Armed Services, Education and the Workforce, and Agriculture Committees.

Early in his time in Congress, Courtney was highlighted by the New London Day as a “freshman with chops” for his successful efforts to build bipartisan support for boosting the procurement rate of new Virginia Class submarines– a goal critical not just for his district in eastern Connecticut but also to the long term national security strategy of our country. Courtney has since taken an active role in shaping our nation’s naval and shipbuilding policies, serving both as Vice Ranking Member of the Seapower and Projection Forces Subcommittee and Co-Chairman of the bipartisan Congressional Shipbuilding Caucus. Courtney has worked to educate his colleagues on the need for robust investment in our naval and domestic shipbuilding needs, as well as achieving bipartisan success in a number of legislative efforts such as improving the Troops to Teachers program to expand opportunities for servicemembers to continue their service in our classrooms.

In 2013, Secretary Ray Mabus awarded him the Navy’s Distinguished Public Servant Award in recognition of his support to the service and its personnel.