September 11, 2024

9/11 Statement from President and CEO of the Truman Center and Truman Project, Tony Johnson

9/11 Statement from President and CEO of the Truman Center and Truman Project, Tony Johnson

9/11 Statement from President and CEO of the Truman Center and Truman Project, Tony Johnson

9/11 Statement from President and CEO of the Truman Center and Truman Project, Tony Johnson

9/11 Statement from President and CEO of the Truman Center and Truman Project, Tony Johnson

9/11 Statement from President and CEO of the Truman Center and Truman Project, Tony Johnson

9/11 Statement from President and CEO of the Truman Center and Truman Project, Tony Johnson

On this somber anniversary, we hold in sacred memory the lives lost on September 11, 2001, and we honor the bravery of the first responders and good samaritans who rushed towards danger to save lives. We commemorate with admiration the courage and sacrifice of servicemembers and frontline civilians,  including many Truman Members, who answered the call to defend our nation in the wars and counter-terrorism actions that followed. Today, Truman joins the nation in solemn and sober reflection on the costs of 9/11, and the complexity and ever-evolving threats that continue to shape our world.

Today, we live in a complex international security environment of hyper-connected countries, cultures, economies, and societies where terrorism remains a significant threat. Evolving threats like climate change, grey zone warfare, cyber-brinkmanship, and military saber-rattling – just to name a few – and great power competition are redefining what national security means in the 21st century. These challenges demand that we rethink our strategies and remain vigilant in the fight for freedom, security, and justice.

Yet, America continues to meet every challenge and to grow stronger. Americans have come together in the face of adversity, standing united in our commitment to a safer, more secure future. We honor those we lost on September 11 by forging a path that is resolute, forward-looking, and deeply rooted in the principles that define us as a nation. May their memories forever inspire and strengthen us.